How do I publish an exclusive C. Pappas article?

Steps to publishing an Exclusive C. Pappas Article

  • Step 1
    Choose the date you wish to receive your article(s). Log in to your account, click on your Portfolio and choose a date on the calendar by clicking on the “Book a Date” button.
  • Step 2
    Fill out a brief insights form to inform us about the topic(s) you are currently interested in.
  • Step 3
    We will prepare your article within approximately 10 business days and send it to you as a Word doc. 
    You can also suggest 5 of your blog articles you would like us to take into account, and we will choose the 3 most appropriate of them to incorporate into the article as internal links as long as they apply to our guidelines. In case you do not have any specific requirements regarding the links, our editorial team will make the selection after carefully reviewing your blog.
    Note: If you can’t find a title that suits your needs, you can always suggest your own title(s) by contacting us via email. In this case, you must include a topic-related keyword and a target group/buyer persona so that your article can be written with a specific audience in mind. To see the topics Christopher is interested in, please go to the Topics Of Interest section.
  • Step 4
    Publish the delivered article on your website under Christopher’s name. Upon request, you will receive Christopher’s info and picture so that you can create an author’s profile for him on your website.
  • Step 5
    Send us the URL of the published article so that we can promote it on Christopher’s and eLearning Industry’s social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter). This will give you the chance to make the most of Christopher’s influence and increase the authority of your brand.